Equipo Taronja

¿Estamos locos? Bueno, solo un poquito. Pero somos un equipo dinámico, joven y muy cercano, con una larga experiencia y formación en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. Y, sobre todo, somos personas que nos preocupamos por ti y te ayudaremos en todo lo que podamos. ¿Quieres conocernos?

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EVA es la directora principal de la escuela. Se encarga de hacer que la escuela funcione perfectamente. Es licenciada en Bellas Artes y por eso nuestra escuela es tan bonita y artística.

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FERNANDO es otro de los directores de la escuela. Es licenciado en Filología inglesa e italiana. Se encarga de las relaciones internacionales de la escuela y planea el programa de actividades semanal. También es conocido como el Gran Chef Nando.

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MAXI es el tercer director de la escuela. Es licenciado en Filología hispánica, y se encarga de supervisar nuestro programa de estudios. También se encarga del universo Taronja online.

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VALERIA es nuestra secretaria. Es diplomada en Lenguas y Literaturas Europeas y es Italiana. Lleva muchos años viviendo en Valencia y también habla inglés. Estará encantada de ayudarte con todo lo que necesites desde tu primer contacto con la escuela Taronja. Es muy alegre y siempre reservará una sonrisa para ti : )

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Jefa de estudios

JENNY es la jefa de estudios, posee una amplia experiencia docente y un Máster en Estudios Hispánicos Avanzados, centrado en el español como lengua extranjera. Es experta en la enseñanza del español a través de mundos virtuales y videocomunicación por web. Coordina nuestro fantástico equipo de profesores. También se ocupa del buen funcionamiento de las clases, los horarios, los grupos y los niveles.

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Jefe de estudios

ANDRÉS es nuestro otro jefe de estudios, se coordina y complementa, a la perfección, con Jenny. Licenciado universitario con muchos años de experiencia en la docencia ELE. Andrés es pura energía positiva, amante de la naturaleza, bohemio y galán. Cualquier duda o problema que tengas quedará resuelto de inmediato con sus súper poderes.

Equipo Taronja 1

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Equipo Taronja 2
5 star rating
Wunderbare Schule und tolle Erfahrung! Ich war zwei Wochen in Taronja und kann die Schule nur wärmstens weiterempfehlen. Die Leser sind alle sehr gut und sympathisch, der Unterricht ist sehr interaktiv und digital und man lernt sehr viel in kurzer Zeit. Die Schule organisiert unter der Woche und am Wochenende zahlreiche Freizeitaktivitäten, bei denen man Spanisch übt, die Umgebung entdecken kann und viele unvergessliche Momente erlebt.
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lienswikker Avatar
5 star rating
Taronja I followed an intensive spanish course at Taronja for 4 weeks and i wish i stayed longer. I had the best time ever and I'm going back this year. The teachers are extremely friendly, the school is small but really nice and the activities were amazing. On the weekends, there are trips to other cities or places and throughout the week, the school organises other activities like paella evenings, city tours or cooking classes. The appartment i stayed in, was clean and big. I have no complaints at all and had the best summer vacation ever
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Kee Gan Avatar
Kee Gan
Great location in the cultural centre of Valencia with great amentities and transport. Modern well equiped school. Affordable and close by accomodation with great host. And most importantly a well structured and enjoyable learning experience.
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BE z Avatar
BE z
It's a verynice place, the teachers are professional and the rest of the staff very competent and helpful. You can enroll in many different types of courses and additionally choose some extra private classes or conversations. The advantage of this school is that they have groups at every level - even if your spanish is advanced you will find a group for you. Every week there are also some extra activities which involve city walks, cultre classes, local parties, etc. You won't regret the time spent in this school.
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Iris Helder Avatar
Iris Helder
I’ve studied at Taronja in Valencia for almost 3 weeks now and I already don’t want to leave. The teachers are nice and I felt really welcomed since I first stepped trough the schools doors! Outside of school there are activities organised by the school almost everyday. So don’t bring too many books with you, there will be enough to do here 😉
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Marilyn Drews Avatar
Marilyn Drews
As a retired teacher (university) I was very impressed with the techniques used by the instructors. The classes are engaging; the teachers are motivating and supportive. I enjoyed the diversity of students in the classroom ( countries and ages). At the beginning of each week learning outcomes are presented. Then each class starts with a review of the days learning outcomes and ends with a recap of achievements-- theory, activities, and new words. Each class offers ample opportunities to practice new skills with a wide range of activities. Everyone has numerous chances to speak in every class with carefully crafted activities that are inclusive and fun. The small group size adds to the comfort for those of us who are intimidated with learning new skills.
Classes are pitched at each student's level based on a written assessment. However, during the morning of the first class each person can assess how comfortable they are with the material. They can then move to a higher or lower level class that will more closely meet their personal learning needs.
The school also offers a wide range of activities which further engages learners with more ways to practice language skills as well as to learn about the culture of Spain. I will do another post about my decision to study in Valencia
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Elena Avatar
I love this school! During my seven weeks at Taronja I’ve learned a lot (I hope I’ll remember all those verbos irregulares!). The lessons were very well organized, easy to understand and highly communicative, so even with my basic level of Spanish I could participate in all discussions and do the tasks. The teachers and the staff are great: young, friendly, creative and ready to help with everything! Most of the students are under 30, but there are a lot of learners over 45-50 like me, so I felt absolutely comfortable. We really had fun together at different events and activities, organized by the school every week: parties, excursions, dancing and cooking masterclasses or just picnics in the park. Valencia is a great place to visit and Taronja is the right place to study Spanish there!
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Stefan Carlsson Avatar
Stefan Carlsson
Hola! Before I arrived to Taronja I knew that I loved the city but I did´nt know much about the school. It did´nt take long before I started to love the school as much as I loved Valencia. The school, the classes and the teachers were fun, friendly and helpful. Besides the regular courses there was always something else to do - great activities with great people to do them with. I enjoyed my stay so much that I extended it and currently planning my next one. This is a school I would recomend to anyone Nos vemos pronto, hasta luego!
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