Prácticas o Voluntariado

Prácticas en la escuela de español Taronja.

¿Te gustaría hacer un voluntariado o unas practicas de trabajo en una empresa española de un sector específico? Nuestro programa de prácticas está diseñado para estudiantes con un conocimiento avanzado de español, como mínimo un nivel B2. El programa tiene dos partes:

1ª PARTETres semanas de curso intensivo de español,
2ª PARTEPrácticas, durante un mínimo de 4 semanas, en una empresa española (no remuneradas).

Nuestro mail de contacto es:

¿Te gustaría hacer unas prácticas en nuestra escuela?

Esta es la mejor manera para trabajar con nosotros y aprender español al mismo tiempo. Nuestro programa de prácticas en TARONJA incluye clases de español gratis. Si estás interesado, contacta con nosotros y pide más información. Nuestro mail de contacto es:

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Prácticas 1
Kelly Robinson Avatar
Kelly Robinson
I had a fantastic experience at Taronja, I was only there a week, but cannot believe how much my Spanish has improved from a very basic level. Our professors, Pablo & Teresa were wonderful, they made the classes interactive and interesting, and were excellent at making everyone feel welcome. I am already planning my next trip!
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5 star rating
Wunderbare Schule und tolle Erfahrung! Ich war zwei Wochen in Taronja und kann die Schule nur wärmstens weiterempfehlen. Die Leser sind alle sehr gut und sympathisch, der Unterricht ist sehr interaktiv und digital und man lernt sehr viel in kurzer Zeit. Die Schule organisiert unter der Woche und am Wochenende zahlreiche Freizeitaktivitäten, bei denen man Spanisch übt, die Umgebung entdecken kann und viele unvergessliche Momente erlebt.
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5 star rating
Scuola stupenda Ho frequentato questa scuola per un mese!
Qualità prezzo ottima! Professori super preparati e disponibili.
Scuola accogliente e sono sempre pronti ad aiutarti! Attività divertenti
Consiglio vivamente!
Molto positiva!
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Keith-M-Traveller Avatar
5 star rating
Taronja is a great Spanish school and also great fun! I have been to Taronja twice before, both times for 2 weeks of their intensive course. The course is for 20 lessons a week, over 4 hours each day Monday to Friday and there are also lots of cultural and social activities run by the school for students, normally without extra charges. These include cooking presentations at the school, cultural walks, lessons off-site at interesting locations, group outings to restaurants, bars and other attractions and cultural presentations at lunch-times as well as the weekly paella party for current and past students.
Teaching is done in small groups (6-10) of people with a similar level of Spanish and is done in a creative way and all in Spanish. As well as following a broad curriculum and working towards the standard learning levels, the lessons include a lot of fun activities and all sorts of diversions into exploring Spanish language and culture.
I can recommend this school very highly and Valencia is a beautiful city well-worth exploring. It is especially good during the Las Fallas festival 15-19 March each year and I will be returning to Taronja again this year 2019 to see it.
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Daire Fallon Avatar
Daire Fallon
I did a 3 week summer Spanish course in the school.
I highly recommend. I'm a teacher myself and was very impressive by the communicative methods and the quality of the teaching.
The school offers a wonderful Co curricular programme and we really enjoyed the activities, including a tapas crawl and lots of cultural events plus a beach party.
Totally recommended.
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Peter Hughes Avatar
Peter Hughes
I really enjoyed my time at Taronja. For me everything came together for a fantastic experience. The teachers and teaching methods are great, the school has a great atmosphere where one rapidly feels comfortable and part of what is happening. The mix of different ages is also fantastic, it is great to get so much intergenerational contact. Finally, Valencia is a fantastic city; a nice size, loads of things going on, and I would almost say that it has a spirit.
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Valerie Haigh Avatar
Valerie Haigh
I enjoyed my week very much but should have joined in more of the social activities! Also I think a week is too short as most other students were there for much longer but that was not possible for me Since returning back to my weekly class on Zoom, I am speaking much better so thank you ! Staff were lovely ....
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נועם נחום Avatar
נועם נחום
Awesome school and amazing teachers! A great place to meet new friends and learn Spanish. So happy i chose this school!
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