Curso expres 1

Curso de español express

Con estas lecciones de español instantaneo podrás aprender diferentes temas relacionados con el español y sus particularidades.

Tengo calor

Tengo calor = I’m hot (temperature) Estoy caliente = I’m hot (sexual meaning) Every week a new express Spanish course from Valencia

Tomar el pelo

En esta ocasión os queremos explicar el significado de la expresión en español “tomar el pelo”. Sinónimos de la expresión «Tomar el pelo»: chancear, guasearse, mofarse, pitorrearse, cachondearse, burlarse, chacotear, bufonear, chirigotear, rechiflarse, coñearse, chasquear, chufletear, reírse, chunguearse…

Significados de la palabra YA

En esta clase de español queremos enseñarte varios de los significados que tiene la palabra YA, según los contextos en que la utilicemos. Si quieres saber más, ven a hacer un curso de español con nosotros, seguro que no te arrepentirás : )

Expresiones en español: el tacto

En español tenemos muchas expresiones relacionadas con los cinco sentidos. En esta lección os enseñamos el sentido del tacto. 

El verbo DOLER. ¿Cómo se utiliza?

El verbo doler tiene un uso particular que confunde a muchos estudiantes de español. Aquí te explicamos su uso.  Lo principal es saber que este verbo se comporta igual que GUSTAR. Lo importante no es la persona, sino la cosa. Nos explicamos. Por ejemplo: (A mí) ME GUSTA el chocolate / (A vosotros) OS DUELE la cabeza (A ti) TE […]

Diferencias entre LLEVAR y TRAER

Los verbos «llevar» y «traer» se refieren a “mover a una persona o a una cosa de un sitio a otro”. Para explicaros la diferencia entre uno y otro vamos a hacerlo pensando en cómo nos relacionamos con el espacio que nos rodea, si nos acercamos a o nos alejamos de los objetos o personas de las […]

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Aula Dr.Loco

Curso expres 1

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Curso expres 3
Places 2go? Avatar
Places 2go?
I took classes at Taronja for three weeks in October and can highly recommend the school. I cannot imagine there being a better school. I scouted for months before making the decision and was so glad I had chosen Taronja. There are several points which make it such a good school. - the highly motivated and friendly teachers - there effort at getting everyone to speak Spanish only, which of course speeds up your acqusition of the language - the extracurricular activities are not only interesting, but help increase your language skills and keep you busy (if you are alone, it's nice to have something to keep you active especially the first week when you don't know your way around yet) I will definitely take more classes here. I recommend saving yourself all the time needed for researching the internet. You have made the right decision with Taronja! My greetings to everyone there. Linda
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Christine Dowrick Avatar
Christine Dowrick
Super week learning new language, remembering forgotten fragments and updating old phrases. The course was really well structured and delivered and great fun. Everyone was very helpful and friendly. The Spanish cooking and singing sessions were the icing on the cake and the sun shone on the beautiful city of Valencia every day.
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Marilyn Drews Avatar
Marilyn Drews
As a retired teacher (university) I was very impressed with the techniques used by the instructors. The classes are engaging; the teachers are motivating and supportive. I enjoyed the diversity of students in the classroom ( countries and ages). At the beginning of each week learning outcomes are presented. Then each class starts with a review of the days learning outcomes and ends with a recap of achievements-- theory, activities, and new words. Each class offers ample opportunities to practice new skills with a wide range of activities. Everyone has numerous chances to speak in every class with carefully crafted activities that are inclusive and fun. The small group size adds to the comfort for those of us who are intimidated with learning new skills.
Classes are pitched at each student's level based on a written assessment. However, during the morning of the first class each person can assess how comfortable they are with the material. They can then move to a higher or lower level class that will more closely meet their personal learning needs.
The school also offers a wide range of activities which further engages learners with more ways to practice language skills as well as to learn about the culture of Spain. I will do another post about my decision to study in Valencia
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Alessandro Schuler Avatar
Alessandro Schuler
?? (?? & ?? ⬇️⬇️)
Sehr positive Erfahrungen!
Ich habe die Spanisch-Sprachschule Taronja in Valencia 2018 für 4 Wochen und dann erneut 2019 für 3 Wochen besucht. Mein Eindruck ist absolut positiv und ich kann jedem meiner Freunde nur dazu raten, solltet ihr euch für eine kleine Sprachreise in Spanien interessieren.
Die Kurse bei Taronja sind inhaltlich super organisiert und der Lernfortschritt ist durch die recht kleinen Gruppengrößen (ca. 5 Personen plus/minus) immens. Sämtliches Lehrmaterial wird bereitgestellt. Alle Lehrer sind sehr kompetent, freundlich und engagiert. Die Unterrichtseinheiten sind zu 99,5% in spanisch.
Neben der klassischen Unterrichtsform wird auch mit Hilfe von Spielen gelehrt. Wir haben je Woche musiziert, gesungen, getanzt und gekocht. Die eingesetzten Medien (Youtube, Apps, Whiteboards, ...) sind sehr neumodisch. Wünsche oder Ideen der Schüler wurden aufgeschnappt und der Unterricht dementsprechend individuell angepasst.
Neben den eigentlichen Kursen bietet Taronja eine Vielzahl an zusätzlichen sozialen Aktivitäten am Abend an. Man hat wirklich das Gefühl in die spanische Kultur integriert zu werden.
Valencia hat als Stadt einiges zu bieten und es herrscht ein sehr angenehmes maritimes Klima.
Very positive experience!
I visited the spanish language school Taronja in Valencia for 4 weeks in 2018 and for 3 weeks in 2019. My impression is absolutely positive and therefore I‘d like to encourage all of my friends in case you are interested in attending a language school in Spain.
The courses at Taronja are super organized and you can learn in a fast pace due to the small groups (around 5 students per class). All the learning material is provided by Taronja. All the teachers are very competent, friendly and motivated. Nearly 99,5% of the lessons are Spanish.
Besides the traditional style of classes, you also learn by playing games. Every week we plyed music, we danced, we sang and we cooked. They used innovative media (youtube, applications, whiteboards, ...). Student‘s wishes or ideas were considered and the lessons were adjusted accordingly.
In addition to the official lessons, Taronja offers a lot of social activities during the afternoon and evening. Thus you have the impression you become easily integrated to the Spanish culture.
Valencia as a town is very interesting and offers a lot of possibilities, combined with a maritime climate.
¡Experiencias muy positivas!
Tuve clases de español en la escuela Taronja en Valencia durante 4 semanas en el 2018 y 3 semanas en el 2019. Mi impresión es absolutamente positiva y solo puedo aconsejar a cada uno de mis amigos si estás interesado en un pequeño viaje de idiomas en España.
Los cursos en Taronja son súper organizados. El progreso del aprendizaje es inmenso debido a los tamaños de grupos bastante pequeños (aproximadamente 5 personas más o menos). Se proporciona todo el material didáctico. Todos los profesores son muy competentes y además son muy amigables y motivados. 99,5% de las clases son en español.
Además de la forma de enseñanza clásica, también se enseña mediante juegos. Tocábamos música, cantábamos, bailábamos y cocinábamos cada semana. Los medios utilizados (youtube, aplicaciones, la pizarra técnica,...) son de última tecnología. También los profesores recogían los deseos o ideas de los estudiantes y adaptaban las clases en consecuencia.
Además de los cursos teóricos, Taronja ofrece una variedad de actividades sociales adicionales por la tarde / noche. Realmente tienes la sensación de estar integrado en la cultura española.
Valencia tiene mucho que ofrecer como ciudad y hay un clima marítimo muy agradable.
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Sarah T Avatar
Sarah T
My experience with Taronja School in Valencia was a positive one without any exception. The teachers were very well-trained and well-prepared, the lessons in perfect-sized groups interesting as well as creatively organized and the activities varied, informative and entertaining. Furthermore the school offers a library as well as some DVDs to practice your spanish at home. Regarding any wish or request the employees of Taronja were more than willing to assist or to help. They were constantly trying their best to keep their students happy and satisfied. I highly recommend Taronja to everybody who wants to learn spanish in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere with a lot of professionals to help you to reach your highest personal results in this new language.
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5 star rating
Ottima scuola per studenti stranieri che vogliono imparare lo spagnolo In soggiorno a Valencia abbiamo approfittato per far svolgere un corso di 2 settimane a mia figlia che voleva approfondire il suo spagnolo. Consigliatami da amici si è rivelata una proficua esperienza. Ho parlato con gli insegnanti che fin da subito ho trovato gentili e disponibili. Mia figlia mi ha riferito che l'ambiente e il personale sono molto accoglienti. Gli insegnanti sono coinvolgenti e qualificati, oltre alla didattica partecipano alle attività organizzate della scuola. Ha avuto l'opportunità di conoscere persone da tutto il mondo e migliorare il suo spagnolo in poco tempo divertendosi. È stata un'esperienza molto positiva, infatti questa estate ci ritornerà ed io ne approfitterò per rifare un bel viaggio.
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Sarah Guck Avatar
Sarah Guck
Finally I totally recommend Taronja in Valencia!
I have learned a lot en espagñol!
Before my course I could speak nada, but afterwards not directly fluently, but I can talk with people and friends now de España, who I met here during my stay and of participating on actividades de escuela.
Everybody is very polite and open for questions, especially about espagñol 🙂
Summary I would choose this escuela otra vez!
¡Hasta luego!
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Max N Avatar
Max N
5 star rating
Best spanish school in Valencia Taronja is the best spanish school in Valencia. The teachers are amazing and the job the interns do with the activities is just as amazing. I spent 3 months there and I could not had imagined doing anywhere else.
Many great and exciting activities, the best Paella
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