Equipo Taronja

¿Estamos locos? Bueno, solo un poquito. Pero somos un equipo dinámico, joven y muy cercano, con una larga experiencia y formación en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. Y, sobre todo, somos personas que nos preocupamos por ti y te ayudaremos en todo lo que podamos. ¿Quieres conocernos?


EVA es la directora principal de la escuela. Se encarga de hacer que la escuela funcione perfectamente. Es licenciada en Bellas Artes y por eso nuestra escuela es tan bonita y artística.


FERNANDO es otro de los directores de la escuela. Es licenciado en Filología inglesa e italiana. Se encarga de las relaciones internacionales de la escuela y planea el programa de actividades semanal. También es conocido como el Gran Chef Nando.


MAXI es el tercer director de la escuela. Es licenciado en Filología hispánica, y se encarga de supervisar nuestro programa de estudios. También se encarga del universo Taronja online.

Victoria y Roza

VICTORIA Y ROZA son las encargadas de atenderte y darte toda la información sobre nuestros cursos. Te ayudarán en todo y harán que tu viaje sea mucho más fácil.

Grupos escolares

MARÍAviene de Rusia y lleva muchos años viviendo en Valencia. De hecho, ¡ahora ya tiene una preciosa hija valenciana! Si estás planeando venir con un grupo de estudiantes, ¡contacta con estas dos preciosas señoritas!

Andrés y Jenny
Jefa de estudios

ANDRÉS  Y JENNY Nuestros jefes de estudios. Garantizan la eficacia de nuestros cursos y te guiarán en tu aprendizaje. Dirigen a nuestro fantástico equipo de profesores.

Nuestros profesores
Equipo de profesores

EQUIPO DE PROFESORES nuestros profesores son jóvenes, dinámicos y profesionales. Te explicaremos un poco más sobre ellos más adelante, en la sección CURSOS.

Departamento de actividades

STEFANO procede de la Suiza italiana y se encarga del programa social y de actividades de Taronja, así como de los internos de la escuela. Primero fue estudiante, luego becario y finalmente uno de los miembros más importantes de nuestra plantilla. Conoce al Gran Stefano, el Emperador de las Actividades.

Becarios Taronja
Becarios Taronja

EQUIPO DE BECARIOS para ayudar a Stefano con nuestro programa de actividades semanales tenemos un grupo de 5-10 becarios durante todo el año en la escuela. También asistirán a clases de español contigo y se convertirán en tus amigos y tu apoyo en Taronja.

Jefe de mantenimiento

MIGUEL es nuestro queridísimo jefe de mantenimiento que vino desde Brasil para traernos un poco del calor y la alegría que les caracteriza. La escuela se conserva en perfectas condiciones de higiene y seguridad gracias a él. Miguel siempre tiene una sonrisa en su cara, ¡es cruzarse con él por la escuela y tu día se ilumina!

Equipo Taronja 1

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Equipo Taronja 2
45545 Avatar
5 star rating
Amazing summer learning Spanish with Taronja I was here for two months in summer and had a really positive experience. I actually booked only for one month but ended up extending for an extra month. The classes were fun, interesting, and I felt comfortable talking, learning, (and making mistakes), with my classmates mad teachers. You need an intital assesment of your spanish skills (quick questionnaire, and a couple of minutes speaking) and then get placed into a class for your level. However, if it is too difficult, or easy, there is no problem with changing class, and I found the staff, and the headteacher, Jenny, very friendly and easy to talk to, and always happy to help with anything.
It is easy to make friends, which is important if you are coming here on your own (like me) and there were social acitivties every night. These ranged from paella nights, language exchanges, and generally drinking and socialising. Always fun. I was here in summer which would offer a bigger social life compared to low-season/ winter etc.
The lessons are varied and you use handouts, quiz games, group tasks, videos, songs, etc, in order to learn in a varied way.
I would recommend to anyone who values a more fun and social atmosphere to learn and I definitely feel like I improved a lot. In 2 months, I went from a low A2, to a B1 level, and I had a lot of practice actually speaking the Spanish that I had learned.
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Andrea Maria Bokler Avatar
Andrea Maria Bokler
Taronja is a wonderful place to be. The atmosphere is pleasant, always a friendly and warm welcome and it makes it easy to feel at home in Valencia. I like the style of teaching at Taronja: it is innovative and creative. The people at Taronja are passionate about their work, are in it with their hearts and love to teach. I benefited a lot from the special combination of learning a language and exploring the culture with all my senses (e.g. cooking class). I can warmly recommend Taronja...
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floord171 Avatar
5 star rating
Recommended! If you are looking for a school to study Spanish, I really recommend this Taronja. It has the perfect balance between education and fun. The course offers a good way of learning Spanish with help of very nice and helpful teachers. Besides that, the school has different and fun activities everyday for you to participate in. This will allow you to meet lots of new people and gain new experiences.
Not to forget, it’s in Valencia too, which is a very beautiful city on its own.
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Freddy DeTomato Avatar
Freddy DeTomato
If you want to learn Spanish with professionals and having fun at the same time...Taronja is the place to be!!! 😉
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Kee Gan Avatar
Kee Gan
Great location in the cultural centre of Valencia with great amentities and transport. Modern well equiped school. Affordable and close by accomodation with great host. And most importantly a well structured and enjoyable learning experience.
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Oli G. Avatar
Oli G.
I was a student at Toronja for 2 weeks & really recommend it. The teachers are all really motivated to help the students learn Spanish. There is also positive atmosphere around the place which helps you to study in a relaxed environment. The extra circular activities are a great way to meet other students outside of lessons (especially paella night!) There are also optional interactive lessons during the afternoon where you learn things ranging from Spanish dance to how to cook Spanish food. I would definitely recommend this school & will be going back there to study myself for 2 months. Muchas gracias a todos y nos vemos pronto!
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Callum McLean Avatar
Callum McLean
I have already studied at Taronja three times now over five years and I can safely say that I would never go ANYWHERE else to learn Spanish! The teachers are brilliant and the atmosphere is super-relaxed, which makes the lessons not only useful but really enjoyable and sociable. The classrooms and the whole building (with terrace and common room) are decorated really colourfully, which makes it a very comfortable and non-imposing environment to learn in - as well as a very central location, which couldn't be easier to get to. But the best thing about Taronja is the team of friendly staff and their regular programme of activities. I almost go more for the social side of things than anything else, because their regular day- and weekend-trips are so much fun that even relatively shy, grumpy people like me can't help but have a fantastic time and leave with a bunch of new international friends. I couldn't recommend Taronja enough! See you there 🙂
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David E Avatar
David E
5 star rating
A very enjoyable place to learn Spanish I have just finished a two week intensive course at Escuela Taronja and am already missing it. I am at an early intermediate level and the experience of the last two weeks have boosted my confidence and stretched my knowledge so much. I was a little intimidated by the idea of being middle aged and out of my comfort zone but the school is so supportive, inclusive all all ages and quick to ensure that you are in a class at the right level. I would encourage anyone going to the school to jump in with both feet and take up all the various social opportunities that are on offer,,they were great fun and I met some new friends that I hope to
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