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¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Producto 1
Elena De Lazzari Avatar
Elena De Lazzari
Hi guys! I'm Elena, a 30yo Italian girl from Venice. I spent 3 weeks in the beautiful city of Valencia 4 years ago, it was my first vacation in Spain and I decided to start learning the language doing a course in Taronja. What a great choice! Days passed by super quickly, I really enjoyed the time I spent there as I felt part of a huge family. They propose interesting activities every day and night and during the week end, supporting people in interacting and meeting new friends. I learnt a lot, Professors were kind and professional and the method they use is the best I tried up to now. I planned my vacations in Barcelona, Malaga and Madrid, always matching with Spanish lessons, during the following 3 years but Taronja remains my favourite. Swapping courses timing every day gives you a lot of free time to go to the beach or visit the city. Nice idea the cooking lessons, too! Super positive feedback for you guys! That's why I decided to come back this August to spend a month with you! See you soon Elena
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5 star rating
Scuola di spagnolo a Valencia Sono tornato alla Taronja School a Valencia e come la prima volta ho ritrovato ragazzi motivati simpatici, divertenti e molto originali ma anche molto professionali, efficaci e ben organizzati.
E’ stata di nuovo una bella esperienza … grazie ragazzi!!!
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5 star rating
Solo lo mejor. Perfecto para empezar o mejorar en cualquier nivel. Muchas ocasiones para hablar con chicos y chicas de paises diferentes.
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5 star rating
Bellissima esperienza Taronja non è solo una scuola ma è un’esperienza.
La scuola Taronja è l’ideale per chi vuole divertirsi, vivere il mare e al contempo imparare lo spagnolo.
I professori sono tutti giovanissimi e preparati; si vede che hanno voglia di fare il loro lavoro e sono sempre disponibili.
Il punto di forza è il programma settimanale della scuola, in cui, per ogni giorno, si organizzano attività extra (la maggior parte gratuite) che vanno dalla paella di benvenuto alle feste in discoteca o in piscina.
Come studenti si possono incontrare tedeschi, svizzeri e ovviamente molti italiani, con fasce d'età ben distribuite.
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C Ni Bhaoill Avatar
C Ni Bhaoill
I had a great experience at this school for a week in July 2014. Great teachers and a lovely atmosphere. The classes were a good laugh, but we still learned plenty. They catered for all levels, and you could move classes if you felt you were in the wrong level. The extra activities in the afternoons and evenings also added alot - helped to meet plenty of others on the courses, and also get to know Valencia, which is a gorgeous city. Highly recommended.
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5 star rating
Taronja y Valencia - la combinación perfecta para aprender español Los aspectos de Taronja que más me gustan:
- Los profesores creativos, enérgicos y profesionales.
- Un equipo administrativo excelente.
- Un programa social y cultural excepcional.
- Un fuerte sentido de comunidad.
Si buscas una escuela de español que te ofrece instrucción de alta calidad en un entorno eficaz y divertido, deberías pensar en Taronja School. Acabo de cumplir un curso de dos meses y el tiempo ha pasado demasiado rápido. Ha sido una experiencia muy recomendable.
Además de crear un ambiente educativo de alta calidad, Taronja fomenta un sentido de familia que refuerza aún más la experiencia. La comunidad Taronja abraza a los alumnos de todas las edades y todas los niveles de habilidad.
Taronja refleja muchas de las cualidades que me atrajo a Valencia. Es lo suficientemente grande para satisfacer todas las necesidades mientras sigue siendo personal y auténtica. Los profesores y el equipo administrativo son cálidos, abiertos y atentos. Desde mi punto de vista, Taronja y Valencia forman la combinación perfecta para aprender español.
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Anna Mackney Avatar
Anna Mackney
I had an absolutely amazing time at Taronja!! I loved my four weeks here (May-June 2019)! I felt that I managed to learn loads in the short time that I was here - the school was very professional and organised, providing lots of excellent resources to aid learning! The lessons were very interactive and always lots of fun - loads of opportunities to practise speaking! Also, the social side was superb - every day there was at least one optional social activity organised, often more! I would love to return one day in the future! A big thank you to all the amazing people here! 🙂
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floord171 Avatar
5 star rating
Recommended! If you are looking for a school to study Spanish, I really recommend this Taronja. It has the perfect balance between education and fun. The course offers a good way of learning Spanish with help of very nice and helpful teachers. Besides that, the school has different and fun activities everyday for you to participate in. This will allow you to meet lots of new people and gain new experiences.
Not to forget, it’s in Valencia too, which is a very beautiful city on its own.
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