Diferencias entre CONFIAR y FIARSE DE

En esta lección de español, os queremos explicar las diferencias entre dos verbos: fiarse y confiar. ¿Quieres aprenderla?

ATENCIÓN: uno es un verbo reflexivo (FIARSE DE) y el otro no (CONFIAR EN)

CONFIAR EN: Lo usamos para hablar de situaciones, cosas o personas. Tener confianza en alguien o algo.  

-Pepe, quiero que seas el director de la empresa. Llevas aquí mucho tiempo y confío en que lo harás muy bien.
-Muchas gracias. Sé que confías en mí, pero no puedo aceptarlo. Es mucha responsabilidad.

FIARSE DE:  Lo usamos para hablar de personas y es más concreto. Depositar la confianza en alguien por sus cualidades, habilidades o promesas. Aquí es sinónimo de confiar.

-¡Madre mía! ¡He olvidado la cartera! Qué vergüenza. ¿Puedo pagarte mañana? ¿Te fías de mí?
-Pablo, eres nuestro mejor cliente, ¡claro que me fio de ti! Me lo puedes pagar otro día

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Diferencias entre CONFIAR y FIARSE DE 2
Stefano Tonani Avatar
Stefano Tonani
tuve una buena experiencia en esta escuela , y , además , las profesoras / los profesores han sido muy simpaticos y de calidad.
esta escuela es verdaderamente una emoción unica.
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5 star rating
très bonne école de langue Taronja est un école de langue que je recommande vivement ! Ses cours ludiques et intéressants permettent de progresser très rapidement. L'école propose son propre matériel de cours, ce qui permet de varier les thème des cours! De plus, l'école propose un grand nombre d'activités culturelles ou festives en dehors des cours qui permettent aux élèves de connaître la région valencienne et d'apprendre à se connaître. Merci aux professeurs qui sont tous super sympa !!
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Claire Rice Avatar
Claire Rice
I am a retired language teacher (at high school and university level ) and as such I feel I can offer a qualified opinion on the teaching method of the Taronja staff. I am pleased to give it 5 stars. All lessons were well prepared, engaging and fun. All staff members were supportive yet challenging. I was pleasantly surprised not to feel my age as a handicap among students largely much younger than me. I had fun with them and met many other older students as well. As to the activities offered by the school, there were so many of them that you could pick and choose. My husband (studying at a different level than mine) and I, did exactly that. We didn't go to all but enjoyed what we had chosen. We enjoyed the cooking class, the songs, the movies, the Saturday excursion. I saw a critic among the reviews concerning a bull fight and I thought that was totally out of line. If you disagree with an offered activity that is part of the culture you are supposedly trying to learn about, just don't go. But don't blame the school for offering other people with different values than yours a chance to experience that activity! Anyway, we had such a good experience that we are seriously thinking about going back to study in Taronja next spring for a couple of weeks at least. Well done Taronja staff, the whole team, teachers, office staff, organizers. We loved the school, we adored Valencia. We will be back. Thank you all so much!
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Grant Gibbs Avatar
Grant Gibbs
Did a week here as part of my trip around España in November 2019. This was a very good experience. It is true what people say about this place, it is more than just a Language school, it is a full immersion trip into Spanish culture.
I very much enjoyed my time here and met some proper tidy folks. my only problem was that i couldn't spend a 2nd week here due to timings. Because of this, i feel i missed out on a lot of the extra activities due to the zig zag schedule and not being present for the switch-round in the 2nd week.
All in all though this was excellent and well worth the money. a 2nd trip is definitely on the cards for 2020 for at least 2-3 weeks. Tengo que volver a Valencia pronto!!!
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Richard Nordfeldt Avatar
Richard Nordfeldt
This is a really good school for learning spanish and its great for all agegroups. They also organize a lot of fun and intresting events/excursions outside school so you can meet people and practise your spanish. I recommend it! 🌞
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5 star rating
4 weken Spaans cursus bij Taronja De Taronja school is een leuk, kleurrijk gebouw, gelegen in het centrum van Valencia. De lessen zijn interessant en productief en de leraren zijn behulpzaam en wat me opviel, erg jong. De lesmethode die Taronja gebruikt beviel me zeer en is voor mij een van de redenen om binnenkort terug te gaan. De activiteiten die elke week gepland worden rondom de lessen zorgen ervoor dat je meer te weten komt over de Spaanse cultuur en helpen mee aan je ontwikkeling in de Spaanse taal. Na vier weken 20 uur per week les te hebben gehad en aan een groot deel van de activiteiten deel genomen te hebben heb ik een zekere basis Spaans opgebouwd en heeft me alleen maar gemotiveerd om er beter in te worden. De accommodaties die de school aanbiedt zijn centraal gelegen en op loopafstand van de school en omringd door genoeg restaurants om je 's avonds te redden. Taronja wil ik zeker aanraden aan iedereen die niet alleen Spaans wil leren maar daarnaast een geweldige tijd wil beleven in Valencia.
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Stefano Maioglio Avatar
Stefano Maioglio
Simply the best Spanish school in Valencia and probably in Spain! Amazing teachers and incredible activities! In 2019 they won the ESL price for the best activities program all over Spain!
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David S. Avatar
David S.
The school is located in the center of the city and easy to reach by public transportation or by walking. Everybody at the office is friendly and very helpful, they listen and understand your needs. They help you not only with school stuff but also with the matters of daily life and culture. Teachers are always prepared for the classes and they teach with an effective fun way. They understand your level and find out a way to make you understand and learn in a supportive way. Modern methods like internet and interactive whiteboard are used during the classes , which make the lessons flow easily. Grammar , reading, conversation, listening are well balanced. In a week different teachers are teaching in any given class that provides different styles, techniques and accents. Besides regular classes there are more classes to choose from ( like conversation ) according to one’s needs. Every week there are some activities, day trips and social gatherings so one can learn and experience more about the culture. The timetable of classes is constantly rotating hereby assigning a morning class on a day and an afternoon class on another day. Altogether it makes learning Spanish and Spanish culture easy, fun and effective process. Additionally Valencia is a very beautiful city with lovely locals. The city offers almost everything. Thank you all so much.
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