¿Sabes distinguir entre los celos y la envidia? En este lección te explicamos las diferencias.  

Tener celos o estar celoso: Sospechar, estar inquieto o inquieta  porque la persona ha puesto su cariño en otra persona.  
Ejemplo: Alejandro llama por teléfono a su amigo Víctor.
–    Víctor, he discutido con mi novia otra vez. Sergio la llama por teléfono todo el tiempo. No lo soporto.
–    ¿Otra vez tienes celos de Sergio? Es el mejor amigo de su hermano, y además tiene novia.
–    Lo sé, es una tontería. Pero no puedo evitar estar celoso.

Tener envidia o ser un envidioso: Desear alguna cosa que tiene otra persona.
Ejemplo: Maria y Clara están tomando un café.
–    Clara, ¡a Ana le ha tocado la lotería!
–    ¿Otra vez ? ¡Siempre gana premios! Tiene mucho dinero y nunca nos invita a nada.
–    Clara, ¡no tienes que tener envidia!
–    No soy envidiosa, en este caso es la verdad.

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Eva S Avatar
Eva S
Entering the school through a beautiful massive and decorative door (on a street where you’d love to have your coffee and lunchbreaks), the inside will surprise you even more: an explosion of colours, art and atmosphere. And that’s what the teachers carry out too: such passion and enthusiasm. But the learning doesn’t stop as soon as class comes to an end. Taronja organises plenty of very fun, optional activities. In the afternoon, evening and even in the weekends. No chance to get bored here… I’m going to stay longer!
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Echt Fit Echt Fit Avatar
Echt Fit Echt Fit
Good price, good lessons, good location and funny. I loved it and learnt a lot.
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Oli G. Avatar
Oli G.
I was a student at Toronja for 2 weeks & really recommend it. The teachers are all really motivated to help the students learn Spanish. There is also positive atmosphere around the place which helps you to study in a relaxed environment. The extra circular activities are a great way to meet other students outside of lessons (especially paella night!) There are also optional interactive lessons during the afternoon where you learn things ranging from Spanish dance to how to cook Spanish food. I would definitely recommend this school & will be going back there to study myself for 2 months. Muchas gracias a todos y nos vemos pronto!
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Robin van der Swaan Avatar
Robin van der Swaan
Una escuela con los mejores profesores y las mejores actividades!
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Fedele CV Berta Ochando Avatar
Fedele CV Berta Ochando
recomiendo esta escuela por ser una de las escuelas acreditadas por el Instituto Cervantes y pertenece a Fedele Comunidad Valenciana. Cumple con todos los requisitos de escuela segura y las actividades que realizan integran a los estudiantes en la cultura de la Comunidad Valenciana y sobre todo de Valencia.
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sophie e Avatar
sophie e
5 star rating
Brilliant school, good activities Absolutely brilliant, I've attended other schools to learn Spainish, and by far is the best. Good teachers, good learning pace, lots of vocab work and lots of opportunities to practice speaking. Classes are good mix of grammar, and practical things to say and there out of school options are by far the best. If you're learning in Valencia this is the school I recommend to study at by far!!
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Elena De Lazzari Avatar
Elena De Lazzari
Hi guys! I'm Elena, a 30yo Italian girl from Venice. I spent 3 weeks in the beautiful city of Valencia 4 years ago, it was my first vacation in Spain and I decided to start learning the language doing a course in Taronja. What a great choice! Days passed by super quickly, I really enjoyed the time I spent there as I felt part of a huge family. They propose interesting activities every day and night and during the week end, supporting people in interacting and meeting new friends. I learnt a lot, Professors were kind and professional and the method they use is the best I tried up to now. I planned my vacations in Barcelona, Malaga and Madrid, always matching with Spanish lessons, during the following 3 years but Taronja remains my favourite. Swapping courses timing every day gives you a lot of free time to go to the beach or visit the city. Nice idea the cooking lessons, too! Super positive feedback for you guys! That's why I decided to come back this August to spend a month with you! See you soon Elena
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5 star rating
Ottima scuola per studenti stranieri che vogliono imparare lo spagnolo In soggiorno a Valencia abbiamo approfittato per far svolgere un corso di 2 settimane a mia figlia che voleva approfondire il suo spagnolo. Consigliatami da amici si è rivelata una proficua esperienza. Ho parlato con gli insegnanti che fin da subito ho trovato gentili e disponibili. Mia figlia mi ha riferito che l'ambiente e il personale sono molto accoglienti. Gli insegnanti sono coinvolgenti e qualificati, oltre alla didattica partecipano alle attività organizzate della scuola. Ha avuto l'opportunità di conoscere persone da tutto il mondo e migliorare il suo spagnolo in poco tempo divertendosi. È stata un'esperienza molto positiva, infatti questa estate ci ritornerà ed io ne approfitterò per rifare un bel viaggio.
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