Expresiones en español: Meter la pata

Meter la pata significa cometer un error o decir algo inoportuno.

Sinónimos de la expresión «meter la pata«: equivocarse, errar, desacertar, fallar, confundirse, marrar, patinar

Orígen de la expresión «meter la pata«: la explicación más probable, si bien hay alguna otra, es que está expresión esté relacionada con el mundo de la caza. En español llamamos «pata» a las extremidades de los animales. Por eso cuando un animal mete la pata en una trampa de un cazador, ha cometido un error. Ha metido la pata.

Aprende español con Taronja School

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Expresiones en español: Meter la pata 2
Valentina Magli Avatar
Valentina Magli
Great experience! Lovely place, excellent teachers, studend care, nice environment!
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Kee Gan Avatar
Kee Gan
Great location in the cultural centre of Valencia with great amentities and transport. Modern well equiped school. Affordable and close by accomodation with great host. And most importantly a well structured and enjoyable learning experience.
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David S. Avatar
David S.
The school is located in the center of the city and easy to reach by public transportation or by walking. Everybody at the office is friendly and very helpful, they listen and understand your needs. They help you not only with school stuff but also with the matters of daily life and culture. Teachers are always prepared for the classes and they teach with an effective fun way. They understand your level and find out a way to make you understand and learn in a supportive way. Modern methods like internet and interactive whiteboard are used during the classes , which make the lessons flow easily. Grammar , reading, conversation, listening are well balanced. In a week different teachers are teaching in any given class that provides different styles, techniques and accents. Besides regular classes there are more classes to choose from ( like conversation ) according to one’s needs. Every week there are some activities, day trips and social gatherings so one can learn and experience more about the culture. The timetable of classes is constantly rotating hereby assigning a morning class on a day and an afternoon class on another day. Altogether it makes learning Spanish and Spanish culture easy, fun and effective process. Additionally Valencia is a very beautiful city with lovely locals. The city offers almost everything. Thank you all so much.
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sandra15x9 Avatar
I spent 3 months at the Taronja School and had the best time ever! I started from scratch but the school and its methods taught me Spanish very well. You can make a lot of friends through the activities and experience a lot of culture for a small price. I'd recommend going there for your Spanish studies as well as for the fun.
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Ezeruom Ugwu Avatar
Ezeruom Ugwu
Nice and cool to be here, am a filmmaker learning Spanish at the moment, am finding it interesting already.....
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5 star rating
Super école de langue Taronja est une très bonne école, avec de supers professeurs. L'école propose tous les jours des activités, que ce soit des visites de la ville, des repas, des sorties, ou autres.. l'ambiance est parfaite ! 🙂
Les classes sont limitées à un nombre d'élèves (max 10), idéale pour travailler dans de bonnes conditions.
La qualité de l'enseignement est au top !
Pour toutes questions, le secrétariat et les professeurs sont là pour vous aider 🙂
J'y suis rester 3 mois et je reviendrais avec grand plaisir ! 🙂
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5 star rating
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Luciano Avatar
I did a Spanish course in Taronja for one week and I loved it. In particular I appreciated the interactive way and the discussions that were promoted within the classmates to learn and talk. The activities organized by the school were also great (thanks again Nando for the fantastic paella class!). Last but not least, Valencia is a beautiful city and perfect to learn Spanish also outside of the school!
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