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¿Cómo te encuentras? Es importante saber expresar cómo nos sentimos a los demás. En esta lección de español os enseñamos algunas maneras de responder. 

¿Cómo te encuentras? Cómo responder en español a esta pregunta.

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

¿Cómo te encuentras? 2
Franziska Wied Avatar
Franziska Wied
I'm in the school since 3 weeks to learn spanish and I know that when I'm ready with the courses in 2 months, i can live here in Valencia with out much problems to speak the language. The course with the changing times and teachers is very cool. Also with the activities in the evenings. It's a school where it is fun to learn..!!
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Vince Platts Avatar
Vince Platts
After being with Taronja for a couple of years now online I decided to take the plunge and do their immersion course in Valencia, which, for a 54 year old, filled me with apprehension !! I have to say it’s one of the best things I’ve done to progress and improve my Spanish, the schools new location was ideal situated at the edge of the old town near the Turia park. The facilities in the building and classrooms were excellent with information screens, whiteboards and air conditioning also there is great chill out space on the ground floor to relax in !! The standard of teaching was excellent with varied topics and wide ranging conversations and discussions with time taken to explain things if you weren’t quite sure or needed clarification on vocabulary or grammar. I had 4 teachers in total, including the conversational workshops, and I can’t praise them enough, they were all absolutely fantastic. I must also give special mentions to the reception and activities teams who were friendly, professional, helpful and a joy to deal with on a daily basis with nothing being too much trouble. All in all a fantastic experience one which I hope to repeat in the future.. Well done Taronja ☺️
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Marilyn Drews Avatar
Marilyn Drews
As a retired teacher (university) I was very impressed with the techniques used by the instructors. The classes are engaging; the teachers are motivating and supportive. I enjoyed the diversity of students in the classroom ( countries and ages). At the beginning of each week learning outcomes are presented. Then each class starts with a review of the days learning outcomes and ends with a recap of achievements-- theory, activities, and new words. Each class offers ample opportunities to practice new skills with a wide range of activities. Everyone has numerous chances to speak in every class with carefully crafted activities that are inclusive and fun. The small group size adds to the comfort for those of us who are intimidated with learning new skills.
Classes are pitched at each student's level based on a written assessment. However, during the morning of the first class each person can assess how comfortable they are with the material. They can then move to a higher or lower level class that will more closely meet their personal learning needs.
The school also offers a wide range of activities which further engages learners with more ways to practice language skills as well as to learn about the culture of Spain. I will do another post about my decision to study in Valencia
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5 star rating
Una piacevole sorpresa Ho frequentato il corso per tre settimane e non mi aspettavo sicuramente di trovarmi cosí bene! Le lezioni sono frizzanti ed interattive, il metodo di insegnamento è dinamico ed i professori molto preparati ed umani. La lingua viene imparata in maniera divertente e colorata, mantenendo sempre professionalitá.
Inoltre la scuola organizza attivitá ed eventi per tutti i gusti e le etá, nei quali approfondire la lingua, scoprire la cittá e conoscere molte persone.
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Echt Fit Echt Fit Avatar
Echt Fit Echt Fit
Good price, good lessons, good location and funny. I loved it and learnt a lot.
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Lara RM Avatar
Lara RM
La mejor escuela!!!!!! Era a única brasileira, o que ajudou muito na prática do espanhol! Não tinha nem portugueses, então sem chance de falar português... Perfeito!
Professores jovens, animados, várias atividades que facilitavam conhecer as pessoas!
E Valencia é fantástica, já quero voltar! Não tinha tempo pra dormir enquanto estava lá! Haha
Melhor viagem!!!
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5 star rating
Bellissima esperienza Taronja non è solo una scuola ma è un’esperienza.
La scuola Taronja è l’ideale per chi vuole divertirsi, vivere il mare e al contempo imparare lo spagnolo.
I professori sono tutti giovanissimi e preparati; si vede che hanno voglia di fare il loro lavoro e sono sempre disponibili.
Il punto di forza è il programma settimanale della scuola, in cui, per ogni giorno, si organizzano attività extra (la maggior parte gratuite) che vanno dalla paella di benvenuto alle feste in discoteca o in piscina.
Come studenti si possono incontrare tedeschi, svizzeri e ovviamente molti italiani, con fasce d'età ben distribuite.
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5 star rating
4 weken Spaans cursus bij Taronja De Taronja school is een leuk, kleurrijk gebouw, gelegen in het centrum van Valencia. De lessen zijn interessant en productief en de leraren zijn behulpzaam en wat me opviel, erg jong. De lesmethode die Taronja gebruikt beviel me zeer en is voor mij een van de redenen om binnenkort terug te gaan. De activiteiten die elke week gepland worden rondom de lessen zorgen ervoor dat je meer te weten komt over de Spaanse cultuur en helpen mee aan je ontwikkeling in de Spaanse taal. Na vier weken 20 uur per week les te hebben gehad en aan een groot deel van de activiteiten deel genomen te hebben heb ik een zekere basis Spaans opgebouwd en heeft me alleen maar gemotiveerd om er beter in te worden. De accommodaties die de school aanbiedt zijn centraal gelegen en op loopafstand van de school en omringd door genoeg restaurants om je 's avonds te redden. Taronja wil ik zeker aanraden aan iedereen die niet alleen Spaans wil leren maar daarnaast een geweldige tijd wil beleven in Valencia.
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