Uso de los diminutivos en español

Todos sabéis que para utilizar el diminutivo la terminación más habitual es –ito. Y así de palabras como beso, decimos besito; o de gordo también decimos gordito.

1. En español, este diminutivo no quiere decir necesariamente que sea más bajito sino que también podemos utilizarlo para emplear un tono más cariñoso y, con las palabras que pensemos que son ofensivas, podemos suavizarlas y hacerlas menos agresivas, es deir, atenuamos:

No es lo mismo decir: tu hermano es gordo a tu hermano es gordito

2. En lugar de utilizar fórmulas de cortesía: por favor, si no es molestia, etc. Podemos utilizar el diminutivo. Por ejemplo:

-Por favor, ¿me traes un vaso de agua?

-¿Me traes un vasito de agua?

3. También lo utilizamos para convencer o hacer más apeticible un plan a nuestros amigos:

-¿Nos tomamos unas cervecitas?

-Una copita y a casa…

-mañana vamos a la playa y nos comemos una paellita

4. Es curioso como existen diferentes diminutivos para las diferentes zonas de España. Así la misma frase se podrá decir:

            “Tu hermano es gordiño” en Galicia

            “Tu hermano es gordino” en Asturias

            “Tu hermano es gorduco” en Cantabria

            “Tu hermano es gordillo” en Andalucía

            “Tu hermano es gordico” en Aragón

            “Tu hermano es gordete” en Cataluña y Valencia

5. Por último, destacamos la curiosidad en el español de México donde es común el uso de diminutivos con adverbios. Así podremos oír fórmulas como “ahorita” o “arribita” con algunos pequeños matices:

“-Ahorita voy.” (en unos pocos minutos voy)

“-No. Ahorita no, … ¡Ven ahora!” (es decir, inmediatamente).

Uso del diminutivo en español

Aprende español con Taronja School

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Uso de los diminutivos en español 2
Ruth Weinheimer Avatar
Ruth Weinheimer
Liebevoll und leidenschaftlich geführte Sprachschule mit qualitativ sehr hohem, abwechslungsreichem Unterricht und sehr engagierten Lehrern. Man kann schnell und intensiv mit viel Spaß unheimlich viel lernen. Vielen Dank!
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Alis F Avatar
Alis F
5 star rating
4 week intensive course I spent 4 weeks at Taronja on their intensive course (20hrs/week with 4hrs of lessons each day). Class times alternated between the morning and afternoon which meant plenty of free time to enjoy the city. The teachers made sure lessons were interesting and varied, and organised lots of different activities during the evenings at which you were encouraged to practice speaking Spanish. I would highly recommend Taronja!
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5 star rating
Une super expérience Etudier l'espagnol au sein de Taronja School est une super expérience ! Les cours qui y sont dispensés sont d'une grande qualité ; les professeurs sont toujours à l'écoute des élèves. Au travers des différentes activités proposées l'on rencontre des gens très sympathiques. J'ai vraiment adoré cette école de langue et compte bien y retourner !
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Callum McLean Avatar
Callum McLean
I have already studied at Taronja three times now over five years and I can safely say that I would never go ANYWHERE else to learn Spanish! The teachers are brilliant and the atmosphere is super-relaxed, which makes the lessons not only useful but really enjoyable and sociable. The classrooms and the whole building (with terrace and common room) are decorated really colourfully, which makes it a very comfortable and non-imposing environment to learn in - as well as a very central location, which couldn't be easier to get to. But the best thing about Taronja is the team of friendly staff and their regular programme of activities. I almost go more for the social side of things than anything else, because their regular day- and weekend-trips are so much fun that even relatively shy, grumpy people like me can't help but have a fantastic time and leave with a bunch of new international friends. I couldn't recommend Taronja enough! See you there 🙂
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Timothy Lalonde Avatar
Timothy Lalonde
Actually, learning Spanish is just my excuse to visit Taronja! Not only a language school, but a language experience! Beautiful people, beautiful classrooms, fun lessons, continuous and exciting cultural events, and in the coolest city in Spain!
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وسام عبد الصمد Avatar
وسام عبد الصمد
The best language school ever. And I've been to a few to know.
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Elena Avatar
I love this school! During my seven weeks at Taronja I’ve learned a lot (I hope I’ll remember all those verbos irregulares!). The lessons were very well organized, easy to understand and highly communicative, so even with my basic level of Spanish I could participate in all discussions and do the tasks. The teachers and the staff are great: young, friendly, creative and ready to help with everything! Most of the students are under 30, but there are a lot of learners over 45-50 like me, so I felt absolutely comfortable. We really had fun together at different events and activities, organized by the school every week: parties, excursions, dancing and cooking masterclasses or just picnics in the park. Valencia is a great place to visit and Taronja is the right place to study Spanish there!
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Yonatan_Boinet Avatar
5 star rating
An Amazing school to learn and live the spanish I (20 yo) was there for two weeks for an intensive course in spanish. It was amazing!! The courses are divided in two, with two different teachers. I had the opportunity to meet 4 of them which were all amazing. The school teaches through ludic activities which allows to learn how to really speak and write spanish well. Also Taronja does a lot of activities during the week and on saturdays. The activities are a great way to meet people and learn spanish culture / see amazing landscapes (Saturdays).
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