El verbo DOLER. ¿Cómo se utiliza?

El verbo doler tiene un uso particular que confunde a muchos estudiantes de español. Aquí te explicamos su uso. 

Lo principal es saber que este verbo se comporta igual que GUSTAR. Lo importante no es la persona, sino la cosa. Nos explicamos. Por ejemplo:

(A mí) ME GUSTA el chocolate / (A vosotros) OS DUELE la cabeza

(A ti) TE GUSTAN los coches / (A él) LE DUELEN los pies

(A nosotros) NO NOS GUSTA el fútbol / (A ellos) NO LES DUELE la mano

Fijaos que el verbo GUSTAR / DOLER, en estas oraciones, concuerda en número con «chocolate», «coches», «cabeza», etc.

GUSTA / chocolate

CUSTAN / coches

DUELEN / pies

DUELE / mano

Esto es porque el sujeto de la oración no somos nosotros, sino los sustantivos «chocolate», «cabeza», «pies», «mano»…

 El chocolate (me) gusta a mí

 Los chocolates (me) gustan a mí

Esperamos que os haya quedado un poquito más claro… ¡Y que no os duela nada!

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

El verbo DOLER. ¿Cómo se utiliza? 2
tigerb736 Avatar
5 star rating
Intensive course for 3 weeks I went to Taronja as an almost beginner in Spanish and after three weeks I think I’ve made such an improvement but I’ve also learnt so much about different cultures and I think it has been an amazing experience.
I stayed in one of the school’s shared apartments with 4-5 other students from the school all of different nationalities and we were from the age of 18-26 and that was one of things that made my time there so special because you make such deep special bonds with other people in the same situation as you.
Over the three weeks the teachers were so engaging and welcoming along with the interns. There were multiple times where after activities we’d go to a bar or get some food and you felt so welcome and they were all so enthusiastic. In lessons each teacher found a different way to make sure you were taking in everything and the lessons were always fun. They also had a massive focus on conversation which was so helpful.
At the school there was such a range of ages and nationalities but I think we all came together really well through all of the amazing activities. My favourites were the excursions and the paella parties but all of them are worth doing as they improve your Spanish and give you opportunities to meet new people.
Thank you so much Taronja for the experience
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5 star rating
Taronja y Valencia - la combinación perfecta para aprender español Los aspectos de Taronja que más me gustan:
- Los profesores creativos, enérgicos y profesionales.
- Un equipo administrativo excelente.
- Un programa social y cultural excepcional.
- Un fuerte sentido de comunidad.
Si buscas una escuela de español que te ofrece instrucción de alta calidad en un entorno eficaz y divertido, deberías pensar en Taronja School. Acabo de cumplir un curso de dos meses y el tiempo ha pasado demasiado rápido. Ha sido una experiencia muy recomendable.
Además de crear un ambiente educativo de alta calidad, Taronja fomenta un sentido de familia que refuerza aún más la experiencia. La comunidad Taronja abraza a los alumnos de todas las edades y todas los niveles de habilidad.
Taronja refleja muchas de las cualidades que me atrajo a Valencia. Es lo suficientemente grande para satisfacer todas las necesidades mientras sigue siendo personal y auténtica. Los profesores y el equipo administrativo son cálidos, abiertos y atentos. Desde mi punto de vista, Taronja y Valencia forman la combinación perfecta para aprender español.
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5 star rating
Bellissima esperienza Taronja non è solo una scuola ma è un’esperienza.
La scuola Taronja è l’ideale per chi vuole divertirsi, vivere il mare e al contempo imparare lo spagnolo.
I professori sono tutti giovanissimi e preparati; si vede che hanno voglia di fare il loro lavoro e sono sempre disponibili.
Il punto di forza è il programma settimanale della scuola, in cui, per ogni giorno, si organizzano attività extra (la maggior parte gratuite) che vanno dalla paella di benvenuto alle feste in discoteca o in piscina.
Come studenti si possono incontrare tedeschi, svizzeri e ovviamente molti italiani, con fasce d'età ben distribuite.
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Grant Gibbs Avatar
Grant Gibbs
Did a week here as part of my trip around España in November 2019. This was a very good experience. It is true what people say about this place, it is more than just a Language school, it is a full immersion trip into Spanish culture.
I very much enjoyed my time here and met some proper tidy folks. my only problem was that i couldn't spend a 2nd week here due to timings. Because of this, i feel i missed out on a lot of the extra activities due to the zig zag schedule and not being present for the switch-round in the 2nd week.
All in all though this was excellent and well worth the money. a 2nd trip is definitely on the cards for 2020 for at least 2-3 weeks. Tengo que volver a Valencia pronto!!!
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Patrick Golz Avatar
Patrick Golz
Really amazing language school in Valencia. Groups are small and the teachers are very nice and know what their doing. And they organize really cool events every day to get to know the other students and practice your Spanish. Will come back next year for sure.
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Stefano Tonani Avatar
Stefano Tonani
tuve una buena experiencia en esta escuela , y , además , las profesoras / los profesores han sido muy simpaticos y de calidad.
esta escuela es verdaderamente una emoción unica.
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David S. Avatar
David S.
The school is located in the center of the city and easy to reach by public transportation or by walking. Everybody at the office is friendly and very helpful, they listen and understand your needs. They help you not only with school stuff but also with the matters of daily life and culture. Teachers are always prepared for the classes and they teach with an effective fun way. They understand your level and find out a way to make you understand and learn in a supportive way. Modern methods like internet and interactive whiteboard are used during the classes , which make the lessons flow easily. Grammar , reading, conversation, listening are well balanced. In a week different teachers are teaching in any given class that provides different styles, techniques and accents. Besides regular classes there are more classes to choose from ( like conversation ) according to one’s needs. Every week there are some activities, day trips and social gatherings so one can learn and experience more about the culture. The timetable of classes is constantly rotating hereby assigning a morning class on a day and an afternoon class on another day. Altogether it makes learning Spanish and Spanish culture easy, fun and effective process. Additionally Valencia is a very beautiful city with lovely locals. The city offers almost everything. Thank you all so much.
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5 star rating
Fijne, gezellige school met veel extra activiteiten! Al een paar jaartjes probeer ik de Spaanse taal onder de knie te krijgen door privéles en zelfstudie. Dat gaat vrij aardig, maar lezen, schrijven en luisteren is niet genoeg. Vorig jaar (2018) was ik voor het eerst in Valencia voor ‘un curso intensivo’ om vooral mijn spreekvaardigheid te verbeteren. Prachtige stad trouwens! Taronja is een hele fijne, gezellige school, midden in het centrum, waar je je vanaf de eerste dag op je gemak voelt. De lessen zijn lekker afwisselend en worden gegeven door twee verschillende docenten. Daarnaast zijn behoorlijk wat extra activiteiten, waaraan je tegen een kleine vergoeding of soms zelfs gratis kunt deelnemen, zoals de wekelijkse kookdemonstratie van chef Nando, diverse gezellige avondactiviteiten en excursies, die zelfs doorgaan in het weekend… en ook dan wordt er lekker veel Spaans gesproken. Afgelopen zomer (2019) heb ik mij opnieuw laten onderdompelen in ‘el baño valenciano’ en mij opwerkt van ‘nivel B1’ naar ‘nivel B2’. Inmiddels heb ik voor de derde maal bij Taronja geboekt voor twee weken cursus in 2020. Dan ga ik proberen de lat weer wat hoger te leggen. Nu alweer zin in!
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